Lost Dog (Red)

Run so fast, Catch the Sky
Lost Dog (Yellow)

Dances with Shadows
Tiny Stickytape Dog

One small voice

The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la

Blues Quartet
Adam and Eve contemplate...


Lemon Tiger

Blue Cormorant

Sticky Tape Stag
Cow with Blue Horns
Where the Streets have no name

Black Heron (with pot)

A Box of Foxes

Choosing Sticks

I wanna be like you

Three Little Warthogs

Spotted Pig

Yayoi's Pig

Bittern Descending

Kudu meets Bird

The Heathland Watch

Giraffes in the green

Family Swansemble

Garden Tiger #2

Cool Fox

Mouse Croquet #2

Bags on a Beach #2

Really Purple Heron

Bottlescape #2

Zebra Passing Jug

Return of the spoon

Return of the Spoon #2

Turaco Night

Home Spun Yarn
And Little Lambs Eat Ivy

...Just Rattle Your Jewellery


Strawcraft for a Bumbarrel

Turaco Turaco Night

4 Pitta Birds

Pitta Patter

Wrosy Wren

